The Photo Workshop
Here’s an opportunity to explore new styles and approaches to your photography, refine your craft and learn new techniques, take on new creative challenges and share the results with like minded photographers.
This is a unique workshop, open ended, ongoing, constantly exploring and breaking new ground. We meet every two weeks (Tuesday evenings @6:30-9:30 Eastern) all on Zoom. I present a new challenge…. sometimes a historical or aesthetic style, or a specific photographer, sometimes a new technique, or subject matter. Now it’s up to you… take two weeks to explore the challenge, experiment, fail, maybe succeed. Then you present your work to the group, get feedback, support, encouragement, sometimes applause. Now I challenge you to something new… and you’re off!
So far, we’ve covered such things as: Pictorialism, Minimalism, Street Photography, Styles of Portraiture, Self Portraiture, Light Painting, Stop Motion GIF’s, B&W photography, Rayographs, Food Photography. We’ve also gotten inspired by the styles of Irving Penn, Julia Margaret Cameron, André Kertesz and others. It’s a constant source of creative challenge, pushing your boundaries and encouraging you to try new stuff, with the support of your peers.… and me.
The workshop costs $40 (USD) per month, via Patreon subscription If you would like to attend a session to see what it’s like, email me and I’ll send you the next Zoom invite.
Here are some examples of the amazing work that participants have created so far.
Rob T: Rayograph
Sarah B: 1 subject 2 approaches
Steph B: Rayograph
Rob T: Pictorialism
Peter L: Andre Kertesz
Peter L: Conceptual Portrait
Monica: Conceptual Portrait
Peter L: Collage
Monica: Objective Photography
Ethar: Multiple Exposure
Monica: Collage
Ethar: 1 subject 2 approaches
Don S: Pictorialism
Monica: Pictorialism
Erica: Conceptual Portraiture
Don: Minimalism
Colleen: Long Exposure
Arlene: Self Portraiture
Andrea: Painting with Light
Robert T: Landscape
Robert T: Traditional Still Life
Robert T: Alternative Still Life
Robert T: Color Grading
Robert T: Long Exposure
Monica: Alternative Still Life
Andrea: Landscape
Sarah: Still Life
Monica: Color Grading
Don: Alternative Still Life
Don: Traditional Still Life
Sarah: Alternative Still Life
Monica: Color Grading
Ethar: Alternative Still Life
Ethar: Long Exposure
Ethar: Long Exposure
Ethar: Alternative Still Life
Monica: Irving Penn style
Monica: Julia Margaret Cameron style
Monica: Julia Margaret Cameron style
Monica: Alternative Landscape
Sarah: Alternative Landscape
Monica: Still Life
Monica: Still Life
Monica: Irving Penn Style